What people are saying about studying with me:


“I am currently enrolled in both of Hayley's Courses and I can honestly say it has been one of the best decisions I could have made when it came to learning detoxification and iridology and so so so much more!!

The way Hayley teaches is seriously like no other; from the pre-recorded videos, to the homework and reading assignments, to having her guide you through when any questions arise, these courses have truly been life changing!

Weather your looking to expand your knowledge in the field for personal reasons or looking to start a career, I highly recommend BOTH of these courses -- as they really do go hand in hand!! 💙

See my video testimonial here!


— Marquise Tavares, Massachusetts/USA

“I was looking for a teacher who wouldn’t just share information but who embodied the wisdom of the health our bodies deserve and I found that and more in Hayley. The Course structure and learnings have equipped me to work in the holistic health space as well as equipped me to live a thriving, healthy life physically, mentally and spiritually. Being a Mum of three, these learnings are so valuable to the way I care for my children as well. The group container Hayley creates in her Courses is so supportive and non-judgemental which gives the opportunity for students to learn from other students opening up about their own health journeys. The investment I made in these Courses was truly my most valued investment in my life to date. Through Hayley’s knowledge and wise words I have come home to myself and my health.“

—Grace Tohl, Australia

Holistic Health and Detoxification Course Testimonial

“Diving in to Hayley’s Detoxification and Holistic Health Certification has been so fun! My mind has truly soaked up all the knowledge like a sponge, and each class video brought more knowledge and clarity to my tool belt.

After being in the holistic detox space for almost three years upon enrolling in the course, I had been searching for more answers to perplexities that arose in other protocols and books I had learned from.

Hayley’s course filled in so many gaps, and after implementing these in to my own grounded and engrained routine, I saw noticeable incredible differences. They were the missing puzzles pieces.

Hayley is truly so kind, so caring, so willing to share and help and I am so grateful that she has chosen to share her knowledge with the world through her coursework.”

— Gabrielle Abbott, Illinois/USA

“The Detoxification Course was transformative in more ways than one. With so much information about health available, I am beyond thankful to have surrendered to Hayley’s wisdom that resonated so deeply. I am feeling positive and more in control about my body, mind, and Life in general. Reassured about my dharma and inspired to help guide others on their healing journeys through the miraculous Temple that is the body. I Love that this Course touches not only on our body, but our connection with the lands, our ancestors, our spirit and our mind. Hayley serves with no ego, no judgement, and All Love, giving others the space they need to choose better for themselves. In a time of health crisis through out the collective this information is Vital to moving forward to innate Wholeness and Harmony. Thank you thank you thank you Hayley“

— Bailee Bolt, USA/California

“I signed up for a 1 on 1 session with Hayley to learn more about how my eyes represent the overall health of my body, and I was absolutely blown away with the information and the clarity that she provided. She showed me how each part of my eyes is linked up to different organs throughout the body, and how the health of the specific organ could be seen through the eye. She provided me with a game plan for cleansing certain organs of the body that I will be implementing into my routine.She is so knowledgeable when it comes to the physical body and cleansing/detoxing. Her decade’s worth of experience in helping others with their health shined through every word in our call, and I can safely say that our session together was the best money I’ve invested in a long time. Thank you, Hayley, for not just what I learned on our call but for the energy that you emitted through your being. You’re a powerful teacher, and I look forward to continuing to learn from your example in the future. Thank you!!”

—Brett Gonzenbach, Costa Rica

“Hayley’s Detoxification Course helped me feel ready and confident to do the real work in this lifetime I’ve been wanting to do for years! To own my power of purifying, rebuilding, and transforming my true home. My spacesuit, my temple, the vessel for my inner world! All while learning in a fun container with beautiful inspiring beings of different backgrounds around the world. I’m so so grateful. Thank you, Hayley! I’m excited to share this powerful, potent, accessible self care with others.”

— Gary Pillion, USA/Massachusetts

“Hi Hayley, I wanted to say a big big thank you for your class and all of the energy that you gave it! I have learned so much about this path and how to go about it and how to balance my regular life with the journey as well! You have inspired me tremedously and I could not be more grateful for being in this Course. I will contiune to read the Course books. A Guide To Better Bowel Care is my favorite! I can’t t stop reading it and I resonate with almost everything! I am filled with joy and I hope you are happy to have me in the next Course as well, when I have embodied this life even more and have learned more about myself and life!My biggest thing while being in this Course, my biggest help, was beginning meditation and writing down observations and thoughts about my life and how I feel and connecting it to food and emotions. Thank you again Hayley! This work you are doing here on earth is wonderful in so many ways! Educate!!

Love, Melker”

—Melker Clase, Sweden

“I started class with the intention to learn more about detoxification. I hadn’t anticipated the healing journey that was ahead. Hayley transcended my expectations as a healer and teacher. Through in-depth classes, thoughtful resources, and reading materials my knowledge surrounding health became transformed. With a thorough understanding of the information shared, I was able to reflect and grow with my classmates in a safe space. When growing through similar transformative changes alone in the past, I found difficulty. Through this class I felt supported with knowledge from my trusted teacher Hayley and kindred spirited encouragement from classmates. As individuals coming together on our own healing journeys, it felt communal to share and grow together in our own similar but different ways. This Course taught me things I will hold dear for life; one of them being that to recommend something one must fully experience or try it first. After completing this Course, I feel confident wishing that every person could experience the knowledge learned and shared from this!”

— Emme, USA/Pennsylvania 

“To experience a training with Hayley Porter, is to experience a guided journey into yourself. Knowing my own body was in need of a deep cleansing and nourishment, I chose to join the Detox Counselor Certification course. My intention was to learn ways to listen to what the body is communicating and how to support what I was hearing. Hayley invited us to get to know ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually. Being with the body through touch and feel. Asking the body questions to know what it needs to support optimal flow of nourishment with food, herbs, thoughts, practices. I had this idea that detoxing was the most important thing to keep the body in a state of excelling. I learned that how/what we nourish ourselves with (such as food, water, tea, rest) truly is essential in the balance of the body. Embodying these practices continues to create peace, love and flow in my life.Sharing this with others and offering ways they can empower themselves, is a gift that really does keep giving. I am grateful for Hayley and the community she creates. Thank you!!!”

—Nikki Schmidt, USA/Colorado

“This Course with Hayley was absolutely worth it and the best thing I have done for myself. This Course is full of in-depth knowledge that can create profound changes in you and the people around you. As a teacher, Hayley, is great at explaining things and creating a safe and warm environment for everyone to learn. One of the most genuine and gentle souls I have encountered. Her knowledge and hands on experience in different subjects create a lot of worth and a well-rounded experience. We also got to meet like minded people who were also taking this course, which I enjoyed getting to know, make friends with and do this journey together. Grateful to Hayley and this beautiful experience.”

— Fatima, Sweden

“Hayley's Detoxification Course took me on a true journey within. She not only focuses on the physical body, but dives into the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well. She cares so deeply for all beings as individuals, and encouraged everyone in this course to connect, listen, share and interact. It was beautiful to learn everyone's story and watch them blossom throughout our time learning together. We all learned so much and personally practiced what Hayley preaches! I am just so grateful to have her as my teacher and friend. Her approach is so from the heart. I got to know myself on a whole new level through this course, and passing these healing tools along to others fulfills my purpose. THANK YOU, Hayley! You are MAGIC!”

— Rachel, USA/Pennsylvania

“Oh Hayley you have no idea how much light you shed on my life...”

“After reading my irises, Hayley could detect the organs that needed the most care and healing. She could see where I have been storing stress and toxins in my body and what changes needed to be made with my diet, lifestyle and holistic practices in order to improve my overall health. She sent me around 15 documents filled with valuable and insightful information and how to treat my congested organs, nutritious recipes and specific naturopathic treatments designed for me. I can’t help but be in awe and gratitude with my body being receptive to these changes made with love and for stumbling upon Hayley and her humbling/inspiring work.”

“This is phenomenal information that I feel like I have been seeking for years and never had any doctor or anyone be able to help me like this! Thank you so so much. I feel like you just changed my life.”

Thank you for taking your time to share your amazing gift with us. I really adore your spiritually healing based style of eye reading.
It’s very refreshing and just what I was looking for on our healing journey”

“Wow just listened through your Intro Beginner’s Iridology Class! This was exactly what I needed right now! Not an overload of information, but just enough to know that I want to study more. So grateful! Thank you!”

“I recently had my eyes read by my amazing fellow herbalist sister, Hayley Porter, who is a gifted and wonderful iridologist.
So amazing to get confirmation in what I have been doing with nutrition and herbs and she gave me beautiful insight on what to tweak for an even higher level of healing. We are all at different places on our health walk and she can help guide you into seeing inside the body and what we can do to assist our amazing and powerful bodies to move us towards wellness.”

“First of all WOW. I am so humbled by your work and the love, dedication and expertise that you put into it. Thank you so much. EVERYTHING is so accurate. I am happy I was guided to you. I knew I had to take action into my inner world and health. I think this is worth more than what you charge. This is simply amazing. You made my day. I have been reading and re-reading everything that you sent me and also writing a few pages of notes.”

“A big thanks to this wise medicine woman, Hayley. Having a 90 minute interactive phone analysis with her has been a profound experience to me. I’m still surprised by the valuable information that I received. Exactly what I needed to hear at this point in time. Hayley is truly an expert at nature cure. And most importantly, she is embodying these teachings. I received so many insights and advice for things that I can easily implement into daily life to honour and nurture my body (temple) even more. Not only the wisdom she shared but also her wonderful, loving and pleasant energy made it easy for me to fully open up. To all the people not sure if it is worthwhile reaching out to her, from my heart I tell you it IS needed. Book an analysis. Honestly, you just have to see it yourself.”

“Thank you so much for your analysis. It was VERY accurate. Especially on the emotional and personality aspect. I did not know you could see all of this just by analyzing the iris, it is brilliant. And I appreciate all of the loving energy you put into it, it makes it even more accurate for some reason!”

“I am so satisfied with your report it’s not even funny. Everything you said about my constitution, my body and my personality are all 100% correct. I felt like you were describing me. I could not be more comforted with this information you have provided to me.”

“I’m crying happy tears! I have been in such a dark place for well… most of my life and I cannot thank you enough for your help Hayley. I love you too and just know it means the world.”

”Thank you again for today! I love taking notes and applying all of the beneficial things you have taught me! Everyday I feel stronger and healthier with the help of your guidance and tools! Our sessions really help me to stay strong and on track and remind me that I am doing all of the necessary things to optimize my health. So grateful to be working with you!”

”I love your online classes! I am just halfway through the Intro Advanced Course and I am learning so much! I bought some of the books you recommended too!”

“Hayley is such a magical being. So full of love, care and exuberance for life. I see her as strongly embodying the feminine and see her sharing that energy to help awaken others. Deep love, respect and trust.”

“Honestly, not at all what I was expecting! In a good way! You have a different way of reading the eyes and I love the more “esoteric” sort of analysis in relation to emotions and my personality.”

“Grateful for reflections and support from Hayley! If you are looking for health support - physically, emotional and spiritual, I HIGHLY recommend this goddess. Her expertise and knowledge are incredible. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and she sure gets in there!”

“You are a walking treasure of knowledge and inspiration. Thank you for sharing your tremendous abundance of love, beauty and gifts with the world!”

“I just had the most amazing Iridology session with Hayley. She had sooo much wisdom and is such a kind soul. For all of you who are looking for deeper information on your health and spirit via your eyes - definitely schedule with her. She was spot on with everything in regards to my health and just hearing the words confirmed a lot that I need to work on in terms of detoxing and taking care of my Lymphatic System.”

“I am humbled to be your student. I have never felt so aligned with coursework and schooling. So thank you.”

“I want to confirm that everything you said regarding my specific nature is correct. I was very impressed.”

“Thank you so much for this analysis!! And I appreciate all of the helpful documents you sent over. I can’t wait to learn more as I read over everything!”

“Hi Hayley. Wonderful session today. Thank you so much. You do great work to bring better health to so many.”